Saturday, May 30, 2020

What to Wear When You Work at Home!

V any people who are not accustomed to home office, just have to work from home. At the dining table or on the couch. That sounds cozy to many: So jogger on, hood up and down to work?

D rather not! Studies show that if you work from home, you will be much more productive if you prepare yourself accordingly.

What clothes do you wear in the home office?

No matter how responsible the job: Nobody wears a suit or suit in the home office, not even a blazer. Okay, maybe with the video call with the boss. But not necessarily either. It is crucial that the clothes are comfortable, but also look like something if you are conferencing online and wearing the camera.

Here are the 5 most important tips for the right office clothing at home:

1. Please don't work in pajamas!

The video call with colleagues and boss is pending? Then put on something sensible beforehand. Check your image section. You probably only see the upper body and face. You can theoretically keep your fluffy slippers and your jogging pants on.

2. Don't wear anything fancy, but something sensible!

At the top, you should try to come across as something more serious. Nobody expects you to sit at your desk at home with a blazer. But put on a cozy knitted sweater, for example - it is just as cozy as a sweater, but looks much more elegant.

Bonus tip: A turtleneck or V-neckline tends to look a little more serious than a round neck, which is also completely okay.

3. Do your hair!

"Nobody sees me, I don't care" - that is probably the motto of most in the home office. But what if someone suddenly invites you to the next video call? With strubbel mat you come across as dubious.

Hood or hat on and good? Better not - everyone knows what phase is anyway. So brush your hair at least once, dry shampoo on your head and maybe tie a bun. It's quick, it's handy because hair won't fall on your face when you lean over your laptop at the dining table at home.

4. Make a habit!

Habits help you work routinely even in unusual situations. You always wear lipstick to work, contact lenses instead of your glasses or maybe even high shoes? Then do it at home if you like!

With such accents you automatically get a "work atmosphere" in your living room. And when you're out of work, you can take off all of that or take it off again. This is how you clearly signal yourself: It is now the end of the day!

5. Think about your work environment too!

Not only your outfit is important, but also how and where you sit. Sure, working on the couch is cozy and if you're productive there, just do it.

But: You should, at least as a precaution, tidy up your dining or desk so that you can quickly switch there. Even if you think that nobody in your team will come up with the idea of ​​starting a video conference. We only say: What if ?! Then your colleagues always have the chaos stamp ... There shouldn't be any piles of laundry or deposit bottles behind you.

Another plus point: in an orderly workplace you can concentrate much more on the essentials.

Dressing up for work at home doesn't have to mean that the whole thing becomes uncomfortable. You can still wear a cuddly sweater. Just make sure that you and your surroundings come across neatly. This way you also work better and more productively.